There have been hearing scheduled at the last moment without any notice as if they are trying to
rush it undemocratically.
It's in conference room 329.
9 parts youtube video workshop on how to participate in the How to Participate in the State of Hawai`i's Legislative Process
The Hawaii Cannabis project explain how to testify:
There have been hearing scheduled at the last moment without any notice as if they are trying to
rush it undemocratically.
Call your State Senator and simply ask the staffer that they do not support HR2257.
Call your State Senator and simply ask the staffer that they do not support SB2129.
If your state senator are one of these legislator, Baker, S. Chang, Espero, Nishihara, Tokuda, TOKUDA, Ihara, or Kim, ask them to remove their endorsement to the bill.
If your state senator is Gabbard, ask him to remove the bill from consideration.